9:56 PM

All Men's Nite

Last night we guys really had a night of our so far Uni life in our first year degree. Dinner was one bombshell as we had dimsum for dinner. After that, supper-cum-party at YX's place where we had really tons of junk food to eat as well drink to drink.

Yes drinks as in sparkling juice, 3 beers and 1 vodka.

We were all partying and at the same time playing some PC games till 2am. 2 person were a little drunk mainly Alvin. NOOB :P JOKING!

I seriously think that Tony and Alvin needs more training. Anyway good drinking guys. Hope to get another round next sem.

~Tony eating his dai bao~

~Me actually looking at Tony eating his dai bao~

~YX posing~

~Alvin munching his food~

~Tony working hard to get his bao in his mouth~


YX in the House

This evening, I came home not by myself but with another guest. Mr YX Ng. I remembered saying one day I would be taking him over to PJ and let him get to know some places since he has heard about PJ quite a lot (obviously because I do talk about in to him). Yes he is now sitting right in front of me in the room using his lappy while I am here typing this out.

It's the end of the semester already for us and it's time to holiday back at our respective hometowns.

Tomorrow what's installed for me and YX would be brunch, off to Digital Mall Section 14, then to 1U to catch our MJ's This Is It movie and then finally sending him back to campus.
