Since yesterday I noticed that the haze is back again after almost a month without it. Today it seems like it has gotten worse here in my Uni and of course I do hope it's going to get better within the next few days.
Besides the haze, the ants are back again my hostel room... Why???? What are they here for and what do they want???
Actually just then I was on a slaying spree killing all these unscruplous ants mugging my walls. Irritating as they can be, they like to go after my jug of nothing but plain water.
The only way to get rid of them... in fact I don't have any way but to just kill because apparently I can't find their source.
Wait till I get it. HMMPH!
*This was supposed to be posted yesterday but due to the NOOB internet connection in uni this has to be done today *
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