12:22 AM

Shouldn't have started it!!

Now I’ve started to regret playing one game on FB.
It’s because it seems like it’s going to keep me hooked onto FB which I am NOT supposed to.

Darn it…

Shouldn’t have been too curious to find out about new games in FB and now get myself so hooked onto FB and I did noticed, since on Tuesday I started playing the game, every time I get on the internet, I seem to open FB right away and instantly onto that URL for that game.

I’ve gotta so get myself out of this…



Ok check out this link http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_n85-2496.php this one too http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_n85-review-297.php

How I wish I could have that amount of money to get this N85. The looks of it is really promising and mind you when you read the review of that phone, it’s really not a bad phone.

Now the price is ranging somewhat RM1500- Rm1600 for a Zitron or Avaxx set.
OK why take AP sets nowadays when the price difference with the originally distributed set is only say a hundred bucks? Pay a little more to get more surety to claim your warranty.

So… from this date till GoMobile fair dated in October, I think if I really save up money, I could afford that phone somehow. But I shall think twice before I decide to change my phone with that kinda money when I can do something better than buying a new phone.

Perhaps a Christmas gift from someone?? *winks*