8:26 PM

Another week that was...

OK now I am back once again for this weekend at home.

This whole week pretty busy from Monday through today, Thursday.

However... I am see a scandal in the making between 2 friends of mine and I seriously pity those 2. I saw all those coming since I got to know those 2 fellas better since last semester. However I pray for them to actually make it through safety without anyone being hurt or something.

Next, sales of A2 papers have been going pretty good this whole week with me and my sales partner, Mr. Ng. No doubt we are doing good sales and because at the price we are selling it's rather cheap than what you can get from the bookstores outside

So if there's anyone who wants to buy some A2 papers for their respective assignments please do visit me Darren or Kaizen in Cendi.

Moving on, as I was travelling back home today from UNITEN with my friend in the car, I did notice something that I was amazed to see. Imagine seeing a local government body, PKNS, flying the Selangor’s flag upside down… such disrespect to the state and guess what this is a Selangor government body. I seriously wonder what on earth this people are doing flying flags upside down. Flying any flag upside down on the flagpole is really disrespectful and what more, INSULTING! Please do something about it the guys in PKNS. Your Selangor flag is flying upside down in the PKNS FC’s field *sighs*.

Oh yes… hmmm I got this phrase I want to say but I can’t find the proper English words to put it so I will just say in Malay,

Sesungguhnya, hati yang pernah ditambat oleh seorang yang amat disayangi dan dicintai, akan sentiasa ditambat olehnya.

Inilah apa yang kualami…